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How to live well in your lockdown abroad?

How to live well in your lockdown abroad?

**At the beginning of the trip
**At the beginning of your trip, if you are in lockdown, there are many things you can do to occupy your time intelligently.

  1. Make a list of questions you would have about learning the foreign language.

  2. List the places you would like to visit at the end of the lockdown

  3. Prepare a vocabulary book

  4. Stay positive and think about your future

**During your stay
**Normally you have had classes before. You can continue to learn a lot of things even if you are in your house.

  1. You can hand in your notes.

  2. Study your courses or your exams

  3. Reading a book, watching a movie, listening to music

  4. One very important thing is to always practice the language.

At the end of your trip
This is the moment to say goodbye. You can finish all the activities that you want to do. Be sure to not have any questions or incomplete or misunderstood exercises. Try to stay in touch with your host family, your friends, or even the staff or the teacher. Continue to learn the language in your own country. To help you, you can watch movies without subtitles or reading books.

Find all of Coralie’s blog posts here.

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